The top 10 online educational tools as voted by our teachers!
1 Canvas
This online tool is a learning management platform which gives schools the ability to work on and expand their digital learning environment. Canvas is able to simplify teaching and learning for both the students and the teacher making them more connected.
2 CiteThisForMe
This popular Citing tool helps both teachers and students create perfect citations in any style in an easy and quick manner. CiteThisForMe can cite anything and everything you can imagine and put it in a bibliography in only a few steps.
3 Edmodo
Teachers are constantly working on lesson plans, grading papers and so much more which doesn’t get nearly enough recognition that they deserve. Edmodo helps reduce this crazy workload while helping the teacher be more connected with both the classroom and the students.
4 Grammarly
This easy to use and FREE grammar checker is able to check your spelling, style, tone and of course grammar, making your job as a teacher easier. Writing emails, making lesson plans, and creating study guides has never been easier as Grammarly can help you make sure your work has no errors and can help you find the best way to express yourself.
5 Kahoot!
This educational platform makes learning more fun as it is based on games and questions. Kahoot! Allows teachers to design surveys, questioners and discussions that complement their current academic lessons. This game-based learning helps increase the student’s engagement in class while having fun and learning at the same time.
6 Socrative
Socrative was created by teachers for teachers and provides immediate feedback via formative assessments and saves time when grading assignments. This interactive and engaging tool can be used on any device or platform and overall is a great way for teachers to assess their students.
7 Pocket
This easy to use tool allows you to save articles, videos, and stories from any app, page or publication. This can help you create a space filled with academic knowledge that you approve of to share with your students, or even just for you.
8 Quizlet
This app allows both mobile and web-based studying through learning tools and games. Teachers can either search for study guides or create their own that their students can learn from, making studying and revising a subject even easier.
9 TED-Ed
This online site has thousands of award-winning videos that can inspire your students as well as video-based lessons based on any subject. TED-Ed can help you customize lessons for your students as well as having interactive questions, discussion topics, and you are able to share lessons with your students and track the results.
10 Turnitin
One of the best tools a teacher can have is Turnitin as it helps teachers find and identify unoriginal and plagiarised work. It has an easy and instant feedback system and makes marking and checking papers much simpler and easier to do. Turnitin also helps prepare students for the strict conditions on which universities use to mark their papers.
By Danielle Watts