Marking exam papers is a critical component of the assessment process, offering invaluable feedback to students about their strengths and areas for improvement. However, for most exam boards and educators involved in vocational qualifications, the marking period can be daunting. Below are five tips to make marking exam papers more manageable and consistent with the mark scheme.
1 Margin Marking
Utilizing the margins for comments rather than writing directly on the completed exam papers can reduce confusion and clutter. This method aligns with mark schemes more consistently, allowing students to easily understand feedback and educators to review their markings more efficiently during the marking window.
2 Student Marking
Leveraging student marking for certain sections can dramatically reduce the time spent on marking simple answers. This approach not only halves the marking load but also engages students in the exam process, providing immediate feedback and clarification, enhancing their understanding and involvement in the assessment process.
3 Marking Buddy
Collaborating with a colleague to mark exam papers can enhance the efficiency and accuracy of marking according to the mark scheme. Sharing best practices and standardisation activities with a marking buddy can improve consistency across the board, making the task more engaging and less tedious.
4 Live Marking
Conducting live marking sessions, where educators mark students’ work in their presence, allows for immediate clarification of doubts and ensures a clear understanding of the marking scheme. This proactive approach minimizes the need for re-marking and fosters a better educator-student dialogue about the exam process.
5 Highlighter Marking
Using different colored highlighters to signify various aspects of the mark scheme can streamline the marking process. This visual strategy quickly communicates areas of strength and improvement, making it easier for students to grasp their performance insights at a glance.
Becoming an Examiner
Educators with substantial teaching experience and a commitment to professional development may consider becoming an examiner. This role involves rigorous training sessions and standardisation activities to ensure examiners are fully trained. New examiners learn to apply the mark scheme consistently, enhancing their marking efficiency and contributing to the fairness and integrity of the exam process.
For educators interested in further enhancing their assessment skills and understanding the critical role of marking in education, professional development opportunities abound. Engaging in training sessions and becoming familiar with various mark schemes are invaluable steps in this journey.
For additional insights into the importance of marking and tips on streamlining the process, consider exploring resources recommended by education experts, such as the informative article by Susan O’Connell, available
Written by, Danielle Watts