Teachers and Film

With all of us being cooped up inside and missing out on the daily ups and downs of teacher life, now is the best time to binge on movies you never seem to have the time to enjoy. If you’re looking to feel like you’re back in the classroom from the comfort of your couch, in need of inspiration, or just wanting a bit of a boost, here are three classic movies that feature some pretty awesome and inspirational teachers. Obviously, there are so many amazing characters to choose from, but here are 3 movie characters that highlight why teachers are so essential (warning, spoilers ahead) :

1) Professor Dumbledore from Harry Potter

Calling all Potterheads! Dumbledore was not only the headmaster of Hogwarts he also was a mentor to Harry since he was young. He helps Harry realize his full potential and helps him grow into the man he will eventually become. It’s so easy to develop a soft spot for Dumbledore. He is a hero, a hero to Harry, to every student in Hogwarts, to the staff and to us. He helps people realize that they are important and his wisdom and kindness is felt from the first book and film to the last. As well as his inspiration speeches. Need a reminder? Click here!

2) Professor Watson from Mona Lisa Smile

The film Mona Lisa Smile is set in a time where a woman’s role in life was to be a mother and a wife. In this movie, Professor Watson, a woman, challenges her students to become something more. She pushes them to realize that their life does not revolve around a man. This, obviously, was quite shocking at the time. But her attentiveness and care for these girls and their future, made them realize that change will only make them stronger. They needed this revolutionary woman, and her guidance to explore their own potential. I’ve always admired this character’s passion for art, her imagination and dedication. Want to see how she does it? Check this out!

3) Mr. Keating from Dead Poets Society

And, of course, one of the most iconic examples would be Mr Keating from Dead Poets Society. He reaches his students through his approachability and his humour. He also helps them navigate important lifelong lessons. I’ve always valued humour as a teaching tool, and of course Robin Williams knocks it out of the park. He loves what he is doing and truly loves what he is teaching. He is a perfect example of sharing passion with your students. He teaches them to think in new ways and to push limits to do what is right. Remember this memorable ending?

These characters are just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many movies and documentaries out there about incredible people doing incredible things. Why not use this lockdown to rediscover our love and passion for teaching!

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