Become a reflective practitioner

Why becoming a reflective practitioner will change your teaching and build confidence:

What does it mean to be a reflective practitioner? Before diving into the definition, let’s look at the purpose.

In almost every profession, building the habits that support bringing awareness into your performance will elevate your skillset both professionally and personally

Without awareness about your abilities, strengths, and weaknesses how can one expect to become better and realise their potential?

Having studied and implemented reflective practices, I have seen huge changes albeit over time, that have proven to build my confidence and bringing a sense of mindfulness to work.

Like Socrates, the famous Greek philosopher said: “an unexamined life, is not a life worth living”. The wisdom he is perpetuating is that in order to fully realise our life’s purpose, we need to be honest about our actions and reflect on our behavior.

Teachers are constantly receiving some form of feedback, from the body language of the pupils, evaluation forms and peer assessments it’s no wonder that it can be difficult to know who to trust and take seriously when one wishes to better their teaching skillset. Sometimes, you are doing your best, but the lack of support has prohibited your ability to enjoy the job, to gain this sort of clarity is honest reflective practice provided by the person that knows you best, you.

I have maintained a journal that prompts self-reflective thinking by asking questions by oneself from the point of view and philosophical perspective of stoicism.

Here are some ideas to better or even start your reflective practice journey:

  • Start a journal
  • Videotape your lessons and watch to see for any improvements
  • Include a reflective question for the end of a lesson/day
  • Make audio notes about ways you have can improve

The key to success to consistency.

Here is an amazing TED talk for some additional insights:

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