5 Top Interview Tips

Whether you have just moved to the UK and are interviewing at potential schools, if you’re ready for a change and interviewing at a new school or you’re on the other side of the world doing a Skype interview one thing is for sure, you are going to be nervous! But not to worry we are here to help, here are our top 5 tips for interviewing.

  1. How to prepare? prepare

Try to have a good sleep and a big meal to get you going. If you are doing a skype interview make sure your skype is working, give your mum a call she will love you for it anyway! I know we tell this to the kids all the time and it may sound silly but go to the toilet BEFORE doing what you need to do (interviewing!).


  1. What to wear?

As a rule it is always best to be over dressed then under dressed! Even if you don’t get the job, better to be remembered as the girl in the over the top power suit then the girl in a tracksuit. Interviews are awkward and uncomfortable so don’t make yourself that way too, wear something that you are comfortable in; that goes for shoes too. Remember you are a teacher so best to wear something sophisticated and modest and dress for the job you want.

If you’re still pondering what to wear here is an in-depth article about interview attire. 

  1. Prepare for the questions

There are a few types of interviews but you will find it either is formal or informal, watch out for those informal ones and don’t get too comfortable and accidentally let it slip you lost a kid…but just one time…and only for 5 minutes. More often than not you will be asked questions about your own experience so that whoever is interviewing you gets a real understanding of your teaching style so make sure you have something to drawn or for the following questions. pexels-tirachard-kumtanom-601170 (1)-min

  • What behavioral strategies do you use in the classroom?
  • Tell us about a time when you had a disruptive student in class and how you overcame this?
  • What has been your biggest challenge so far?
  • How do you measure the growth and understanding of your students?

And always be ready for the closed more standard questions too.

  • Why did you become a teacher?
  • What makes you a good teacher?
  • What is your biggest weakness?

You may also be asked about your understanding of safeguarding. You might know safeguarding as child protection, the important thing to remember is the schools will usually appoint a safeguarding officer. Anything a child tells you in confidence, anything you notice out of the norm you must then report to that safeguarding officer not deal with it yourself.

  1. Do your research

Always know what you are getting yourself into. Check out the school website and find out what you can. Is it a religious school? Is it a public school? Pick out a few things you like about the school and also think of a few things you might like to ask about, you never want to have nothing to say when they ask do you have any questions for you? Some tried and true options are what are the classroom sizes? Is there support for NQTs? Will I have the opportunity to be involved in extracurricular? OK so you may not want the last one but trust me they do!

  1. Enjoy it!

Every interview is a great learning experience. If you don’t get the job you will be better prepared for the next interview having experienced it before. It may also be the case that you learn more about what you are looking for in a new school.

Here at Impact Teachers we offer interview prep to all our candidates so don’t be shy to ask for this, we’re here to help. Now go out and crush it!


Written By,

Bec & Alice


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