Today was a celebration; a celebration of the hard work of our teachers and their learning. In schools we had the opportunity to spend time with students and teachers in a less formal setting and get to know more about who they are.
Our Impact week has come to an end in India. While it’s been an intense week it feels like we’ve only scratched the surface. In our own training, we have weeks to prepare and develop while these teachers have been expected to turn things around in less than a day after their feedback; a challenging feat yet they always did, and never disappointed. The learning conversations left us in awe this week as questions were insightful and always in search for the next steps.
Today, as we stepped into each classroom while we were excited, it was with a small feeling of sadness. Relationships have been developed over the past week, and for some of us we know that we may not see these teachers again. Their eagerness and readiness to learn warms my heart and even today some of the teachers I was lucky to observe were telling me what they plan to do with their classes once we’ve left. I know all of us wish we could see them do this.
Before I came on this trip, I was nervous and anxious. I had no idea what to expect. Just like India, this week was quick and immense – if you blink, you might just miss it. Would I do it again? 100%. While we struggle with the heat and the language, teaching is universal. Making connections this week has been important and we all have a common goal; to give the best education we can – whether we are a volunteer through Impact, a Head Teacher, or a Teacher in an Indian School. I am no longer nervous or anxious, and I wasn’t from the minute I stepped into the first school on the first day. We are all teachers, wanting to do our best.
We are tired, happy and ready to crash. But we would do it all again.
Contribution from Alexandra Drabczynska. Want to read more about our current trip – read our other four posts here!