The Sacking of Michael Gove

Following David Cameron’s government reshuffle last week, Former Education Secretary Michael Gove has been sacked and ‘demoted’ to Chief Whip whilst Nicky Morgan, a Conservative MP for Loughborough, has been snapped up for the Education Secretary role. As the education world takes in the news that Michael Gove is leaving the helm of the Department for Education, all eyes are on his successor.

Morgan is an advocate of David Cameron’s Big Society and her voting record shows her to be a very strong supporter of more independence for British schools. The 41-year-old  voted against against requiring academy schools to have a curriculum which includes personal, social and health education (including sex and relationships education) in 2010, so she is likely to cause some controversy just as Mr Gove did. She has also described herself as “a Christian active in politics”, and feels that it is her duty to stop what she believes in; “continuing creeping secularism in Britain”, such as “attempts to end things such as a time for prayers at civic events”.
Privately educated Nicky Moran is also a trustee of the Conservative Christian Fellowship and has described her new role as the chance to “serve constituents” and to “remember the Word of God and serve the Lord.” Despite her additional role as Minister for Women and Equalities, she controversially voted against same sex marriage.

As for Mr. Gove, he has been shifted to Chief Whip; in charge of keeping Conservative Ministers in line. The Prime Minister has said that Gove would also have “an enhanced role in campaigning and doing broadcast media interviews” as the 2015 general election draws near. Cameron’s spokesman said on Tuesday morning: “You should expect to see a great deal of Michael Gove on your TV and radio channels” as he will now also become Minister for TV– and will tour the television studios in the run up to the next election promoting the Government. 


“I am pleased that he is doing that job. He will do it brilliantly” The Prime Minister continued. He feels that he can now lead “a fresh team with the idea, the energy and the ability to take this country forward”. Yet Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has refused to speak to Michael Gove “for months”, according to a source close to the Deputy Prime Minister, revealing the extent of the breakdown at the heart of the coalition. Mr Clegg was involved in a number of vicious stand-offs with Mr Gove over his unpopular, reformist agenda as Education Secretary.  
The National Union of Teachers (NUT) stated that Gove has “clearly lost the support of the (teaching) profession” and a poll conducted by YouGov in May found out that he was the most hated Politician in Britain.  Moreover, General Secretary of the Association of Teachers & Lecturers MaryBousted added: “David Cameron has belatedly realised that Michael Gove’s ideological drive is no substitute for measured, pragmatic reform of the education system. Time after time he has chased newspaper headlines rather than engage with teachers” she said.
Another Petition from, which has 250 signatures, was set up to sack Gove from his post and has since been closed following his demotion. The petition was set up as parents, students, teachers and many members of the public besides felt that, “Gove’s changes as Secretary State for Education are ruining our education system, demoralising Teachers and putting the future of our children at risk.”
Nicky Morgan is one of just two mothers in the new cabinet, and thus so far in her career in parliament, which began in 2010, she has stood up for her opinions and beliefs. She famously said that Tories need to “hate less” and instead, have a more constructive message that being “against this, anti-that…”. Morgan is also one of 14 Oxbridge graduates from 23 cabinet members.
Following her new appointment, Ms. Morgan said, “I am delighted to become Education Secretary and continue as Minister for Women and Equalities. I know that education can be the single greatest transformer of lives. It is also a crucial part of this government’s long-term plan.”
It’s clear to see how controversial Gove’s policies were, and it’s fair to say it’s a little too late in the day for Ms. Morgan to change the national curriculum ready for September. But the fact is, many teachers, parents and students alike are only too happy to see the back of Mr. Gove.
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