Four Fantastic Apps Teachers Can Use in a Classroom

Not all schools can offer IPads to for every student. You may be lucky to have one of your own you are willing to bring in or perhaps each classroom has an IPad for learning. Apps have given teachers a plethora of options to have an interactive classroom experience. How does one know which apps will yield the best results? Impact teachers have narrowed down our top four apps teachers can use in the classroom. Here are the four teacher apps for you to implement.

One: ClassDOJO


This is a free digital award system. It promotes and evaluates both positive and negative behaviour. The great thing about ClassDojo is that parents have access via a unique code.

Students get a kick out of being assigned a monster and the visuals are fantastic. The teacher will assign “behaviour tags” which could link to your classroom rules. The blog on how to set your classroom rules can be found here.

Two: Stage


This app gives the teacher the ability to combine your camera with an interactive whiteboard, which is used in UK classrooms. This connection will then allow you to freehand sketch over live video or images.

By using Stage, you will be able to scan pupils work, projects or worksheets. You can then annotate them whilst projecting the image on you IPad screen

Three: Classroom timer


By allocating time management strategies in your lessons, you will be able to better judge how long tasks take or the explanation of topics. You will no longer lose track of time and it is a fun visually. You can also set time for pupils work and use to teach time and how to read a clock.

Four: Plickers


This great assessment tool gives you an indication of how well the students have understood a concept, initiative or lesson topic. The app allows pupils to share and comment anonymously.

This incredible tool will support formative assessment, warm-ups, plenaries and baseline assessment.

What are your favourite apps to use?


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