8 great tips for a great term start

Hi everyone, it’s Alison from the Impact Candidate Care Team!
I’ve been part of Impact Teachers for the past 9 years and every year teachers ask me for tips and tricks to start off the term with the right foot. The following tips are more guidelines on how to hit the ground running from the start so you don’t miss a beat with your classroom!

“People will be busy and unlikely to be able to spare you much time in this first week.”

Write a list of all the things you want to know and then arrange a time to sit down to discuss these with your line manager/colleagues.

“Being late is a no-no, so make sure you have  planned your journey with time to spare.”

Aim to get in when other teachers do –  or earlier if you want to make a really good first impression!

“Find out the systems for photocopying etc and familiarise yourself with where resources are stored.”

This will help you save valuable time and make you feel more confident and relaxed.

“Get off to a good start with everyone, especially fellow teachers, support staff,  your mentor, caretakers etc.”

You’ll need to work as a team so you can be consistent in your rules and routines and back each other up. The key to good partnerships includes good communication, clear roles, consistency with  expectations and respect.

Find out if your school has a dress code. Even if there’s not a staff policy on dress, there’ll be an unspoken standard to which you need to comply, if not exceed.”

Wearing professional attire will  make you look and feel like a teacher, which will be great for your self-confidence and authority (Especially for those of you  not much older than the pupils) Practise your “teacher moves” – hand up in the air, leaning over and bending down. Are you comfortable and is what you are wearing still suitable?

“Check out your privacy setting on Facebook and other social networks.”

Make sure they present the impression you want to convey to pupils, parents and colleagues. You’re a teacher now!

“Get to grips with behaviour from day one.”

Think creatively about solutions to everyday behaviours, such as calling out, fidgeting and chatting.

“Keep on top of your  planning, marking and assessment from day one.”

Planning lessons is a real skill but one that you’ll develop as you settle into your new role and school. Half the battle lies in being organised, planning the right sort of work and being confident.
Above all remember to pace yourself and enjoy your week. Leave some “me time ” and perhaps make some new friends.

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