5 must read books for teachers

With all teaching jobs, it is important to remember that teaching is much more than delivering the curriculum and pupils’ exam results.  Teaching is about understanding your pupils and their needs so that you can create an environment where they can learn optimally. There are many fantastic books to help you stay up to date with relevant topics and teaching trends. We’ve narrowed it down to our top 5 to get you started.

“The Courage to Teach” – Parker Palmer 

With the pressures of modern teaching, it is easy to get caught up in lesson plans and exam results. “The Courage to Teach” serves as a reminder of what teaching is all about – relationships, personal identity and passion. This informative book delves into the art of teaching from a holistic point of view and really gets to the crux of what makes a great teacher.

“Little People, Big Dreams” – Isabel Sanchez Vegara 

For primary school teachers, the “Little People Big Dreams” book series offers a fun yet educational way to introduce younger students to influential changemakers. This ever-growing series of mini biographies includes important historical figures, from Albert Einstein to Malala Yousafzai and other current day heroes. The books are age appropriate with bright colours and engaging imagery – all whilst delivering valuable knowledge. 

“Sex is a Funny Word: A Book about Bodies, Feelings and YOU” – Cory Silverberg

This is another great book to use within the classroom as a learning tool. Offering a gender-neutral look at puberty for children aged between 8 and 10, the inclusivity in this book really sets it apart. In fact, it is the first sex education book for this age group that includes experiences of gender non-conforming children and trans and intersex bodies. Currently, gender non-conforming children are usually separated from their peers during sex education lessons, so this book offers a step towards a more inclusive classroom.

“Why Don’t Students Like School?” – Daniel T Willingham

Written by cognitive psychologist Daniel T Willingham, this book provides science-backed explanations for some of the difficulties students face when it comes to classroom learning. More importantly, there are also workable techniques and solutions included that are rooted in science. Understanding that students have different needs is key when it comes to creating an environment where all children can learn. 

‘Urban Myths about Learning and Education’ – Pedro De Bruyckere, Paul A Kirschner and Casper D Hulshof

When it comes to education and learning, there are certain widespread beliefs that we assume are facts. A popular misconception that has become common knowledge is that pupils have different learning styles. This informative book delves deeper into these urban legends and separates fact from fiction – all backed up with scientific references.  

If you’re looking for ways to update your knowledge and understand your pupils needs in your teaching job, any of these books would be a great place to start. Why not check them out? And let us know your top reads!

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